If you are going to get your first set of dentures, it is only fair that you know what to expect. The end result will be a beautiful smile, but there is a fair bit of work that goes into the denture fitting process.

Taking Impressions

After deciding to get dentures, your first visit will involve having dental impressions of your existing teeth and gums made. After the impressions are taken, it will take a few days to have the dentures made.


Depending on whether you are getting a full or partial denture, you may need to have some extractions. While many patients are often concerned about this, Dr. Bundalo is known for offering an entirely pain-free experience, even with extractions! Once you get home, your mouth must heal for at least a few weeks until your new dentures can be placed.

Getting Your New Dentures

You should expect that with your first set of dentures, it will be somewhat challenging to talk and eat while you are getting used to them. But don’t be discouraged! You will get used to them! In fact, even if you had veneers placed, you would still have to make some adjustments. (People don’t usually appreciate just how much the shape of teeth affects your speech!)

Best Practices

After having dentures fitted, learning to chew might take you some time. It is recommended that patients start with soft foods, graduating slowly to the more difficult foods. Remember to chew on both sides of the mouth in order to stabilize the teeth. This can be a learning process, but hang in there!