The cracked or chipped tooth problem can be difficult to handle. Those who have missing teeth might feel a more urgent need to do something about it, but that involves choosing the most appropriate treatment option. Faced with the choice between dentures and veneers, there is no single better solution; each one serves a different purpose. Before making the choice, it is important to understand the difference between them.

The difference

The difference between dentures and veneers is simple. Dentures can either be partial or full. Partial dentures are basically replacement teeth that are attached to a plastic, gum-colored base. These are often used by people missing some of their teeth. Full dentures replace all the teeth. In many instances, patients have their remaining teeth removed and wait for the tissues to heal before they can be fitted.

Veneers, on the other hand, is a tooth-colored covering made of ceramic material or resin. It is normally placed over the tooth to improve its shape, color or size. These do not require any type of tooth removal. They are mostly used to cover chips, stains, breaks or to fill gaps between the teeth. Depending on the nature of the dental problem and the clinic, some veneers are normally lab manufactured specifically for a certain type of tooth or problem before being fitted. Indirect veneers, as they are called in many industry circles, require two visits to the dentist. These are longer lasting and can serve you for up to 10 years.

What to consider when making a choice

The nature of the problem: this is the biggest factor when choosing between veneers and dentures. If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, this can put the neighboring teeth at risk of decay or loss. The recommendation here will likely require repair by way of veneers. If you have a missing tooth, the dentist recommendation will be a replacement. The better option here will be dentures.

Additional possible issues: the loss, cracking or chipping of teeth is not an only disadvantage aesthetics wise; there are other possibly more serious complications that might arise without proper dental care. Loss of teeth can cause the jawbone to shift, changing the facial structure or leaving you with a speech impediment. Loss of teeth leaves you susceptible to further complications like heart disease, diabetes, and gum disease. You might be unable to eat whole, healthy foods leading to an unhealthy lifestyle. Without that beautiful smile, you might lose confidence and become antisocial. Ultimately, choosing between dentures and veneers will depend on the reason the complications happened in the first place, and the long-term implications for the tooth, the gums, and the overall oral health.

Cost: it is impossible to discount the effects of cost on any decision. Even when the choice is clear, one will still have to choose between direct and indirect veneers or between partial and full dentures. Again, the direction you choose to go will depend on the nature of the problem and the dentist’s advice. Still, it is important to go for the longer lasting solution. It might seem expensive, but it will be good value for money 5 years down the line.

Dentures or veneers, everyone just wants great oral care, health, and a beautiful smile. The advice you receive from your dentist and their expertise during and after the fitting process is the other half of the equation. Call us today at 602-482-5100 today for more information or to schedule an appointment.