
Dental braces have changed greatly in recent years mainly due to new dental technology. Therefore, there are many myths related to them and their associated treatments. Here are some of the basic things you may not know about braces.

Who Said Anything about an Age Limit

When people discuss braces, the first thing they think about is that there is an age limit to them. Orthodontic braces are not exclusive to teenagers. An increasing amount of adults are getting braces as well. The only condition is that your teeth and gums need to be healthy. If they are, you too could benefit from getting your teeth straitened now. One of the important things to think about is the state of your jaw bone and gums. If you are someone who has gum recession, then the braces would not be a good recommendation.

The Truth Is It Will Hurt… Just For A While

At first it hurts a bit, but this stage only goes on for around two weeks. Soon everything hurts less. To soothe the sores that appear in your mouth, you might want to rinse it with warm salt water a few times in one day.

Bite Matters

A lot of people believe that the only purpose of getting braces is to straighten your teeth. The fact is a lot different from this, as braces are meant to accomplish a number of things at the same time. For example, are your teeth straight and do they meet each other properly? Do you have gaps that you wish to cover? etc.

The most important thing about the braces is that they correct the ‘bite.’ This means that your bottom and top teeth need to meet when you open and close your mouth. Orthodontists are not just there to make your teeth look good but also that they function right as well.

Bracket Types

Not everyone is a candidate for similar or Invisalign invisible braces treatments. Most of the adults go to the orthodontist hoping that they get this, but only a few percent of them are really good candidates. The reason behind this is that there are some types of treatments that do not work out as good as traditional braces do. Traditional braces are your tooth colored brackets which are less conspicuous but work exactly like metal brackets work.

Teeth Care Should Be There Every Step of The Way

Think about it, some people ignore oral hygiene but spend thousands of dollars on major teeth treatment. But those treatments are not there to make up for the lost care on your teeth. Even with braces, you need to brush your teeth several times a day. Why is that? Because now with braces, food will get stuck easily on the brackets which causes bad breath and tooth decay.

The best recommended tool is an orthodontic toothbrush or a soft toothbrush. Also you have to take care of the braces equally. Make sure you clean them and floss as well at least once a day.